• E. Cervero, Kirill Plekhanov, Michael Lubasch (2023). Barren plateaus in quantum tensor network optimization. Quantum 7 974
  • Y.L.HuY. OuyangM. Tomamichel (2023). Privacy and correctness trade-offs for information-theoretically secure quantum homomorphic encryption. Quantum 7 976
  • Wu Jiawei, M. Hayashi, Gui-Lu Long (2022). Quantum secure direct communication with private dense coding using general preshared quantum state. Physical Review Applied 17 064011
  • Y. LiC. HircheM. Tomamichel (2022). Sequential Quantum Channel Discrimination. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 270-275
  • M. X. CaoN. Ramakrishnan, Mario Berta, M. Tomamichel (2022). One-Shot Point-to-Point Channel Simulation. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 796-801
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